Out of Towners http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/categories/out-of-towners/feed.rss Fri, 26 Jul 24 22:50:37 -0400 Out of Towners en-CA Will be in town Dec 17-20 http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/69/will-be-in-town-dec-17-20 Sat, 14 Dec 2013 16:42:20 -0500 TexasLdy 69@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions In Chicago for 3 weeks http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/65/in-chicago-for-3-weeks Tue, 04 Dec 2012 09:32:37 -0500 Viperfrag 65@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions What are the best Lindy Hop venues coming up on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday nights?

Alain Fragman.]]>
in Chicago today 10/9 http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/62/in-chicago-today-109 Tue, 09 Oct 2012 18:03:27 -0400 mermae12 62@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions Coming to Chicago Sept-9-13th/2012. Anything going on? http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/58/coming-to-chicago-sept-9-13th2012.-anything-going-ons Fri, 10 Aug 2012 00:45:15 -0400 rmh1111 58@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions In from California (Jan 30) http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/34/in-from-california-jan-30 Wed, 18 Jan 2012 23:51:21 -0500 Farmer_A 34@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions I found out that I will be arriving on Jan 30th at 8pm into Chicago. I would love for a couple leads and follows to come hang out with me at the Honky Tonk. An old friend said I could find live music and and possibly some dancing :)

I've been dancing Lindy and since 2001, lived in San Diego for many years and now live in Northern California. Though my shoes might be dusty, my dancing never is! I can even bust out country, west coast, and salsa as the music calls for it :)

Feb 8-12? http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/41/feb-8-12s Mon, 30 Jan 2012 19:05:06 -0500 Azeroth 41@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions

~ Shawn]]>
In Town TH 1/5 to TUE 1/10 http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/24/in-town-th-15-to-tue-110 Wed, 04 Jan 2012 18:34:19 -0500 chongman99 24@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions
I'm in town from THUR 1/5 to TUES 1/10 and I'd like to check out a blues club or do some lindy hop. I'm a 14+ year lindy hopper/ blues dancer whose main scene was San Francisco (more blues than lindy of late), but now I live in Ithaca, NY.

I was thinking of going to the uchicago event on FRI. I'd love to find some dancers to hang out with at night, so if you are going out, please let me know.

Howard Chong (510-333-0539, cell/texts)
Dear Chicago http://windyhop.net/forum/index.php?p=/discussion/21/dear-chicago Tue, 03 Jan 2012 01:47:37 -0500 ohjamesy 21@/forum/index.php?p=/discussions