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Swinger's Ball 15
  • WindyHopWindyHop March 2012
    Posts: 11
    Come One, Come All to the 15th Annual Swinger's Ball!!!

    The Swinger's Ball is an event that is broader than the scope of just dancing. It is about styling ,attitude, sipping wine, cosmos, martinis and things. It is about conversation, hanging out, and being social. It is about being with that someone special or treating yourselves especially nice. A date is not necessary. This event has traditionally had a lot of singles in attendance. It might be a good place to find a dinner date for the following weekend! There will be a King and Queen of the Ball, which is a very random choice by the promoters. They do not know what they are looking for until they see it! It is a dressy affair with great-looking folks. Once the live music gets underway it will not stop until the event ends. There will always be a live band playing somewhere in the building from 8:15 until 1 AM

    Willowbrook Ballroom
    8900 S Archer Ave
    Willow Springs, IL

    The price of the event is $25.00. All tickets will be purchased at the door.

    Doors open at 7 PM
    Dance Lesson 7:15-8:00 PM Main Ballroom

    Tentative and Subject To Change

    7 PM-Doors Open

    7:15-Dance Lesson Begins (main ballroom)

    8:15-The Fat Babies-Main Floor

    9:15-The Rhythm Rockets-The Bunkeris
    Performances, other highlights-Main Floor

    9:45-The Fat Babies-Main Room

    10:15 -DJ\'d music in Bunkeris

    10:45-The Rhythm Rockets-The Bunkeris
    Performances, Other Highlights-Main Floor

    11:15 -The Fat Babies-Main Floor

    12:15-DJ\'d music and wrap-up-Main Floor
    The Rhythm Rockets -Bunkeris

    1:00 AM-Event Ends-Thank You! Drive Carefully!


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